Commercial & Business Litigation

Our firm’s attorneys know the language, intent and goals of our business clients.  Our experience in handling commercial disputes – debt collection, shareholder and partnership actions, claims for and against vendors, contract disputes in a vast array of industries and professions – has allowed us to craft and follow our firm’s mission statement with the same ideals as those claimed by today’s business leaders.  We have significant experience in resolving breakdowns in commerce between merchants, between consumers and vendors, between lenders and borrowers, and between suppliers and manufacturers, to name but a few.  We know that a well-negotiated agreement to end a dispute is, at most times, far better for a business of any size than a hard-fought victory in court.  We prevail on behalf of clients before trial in the same way in which we prevail at trial – by being prepared and staying attuned to our clients’ needs.

Attorneys Experienced in this Practice Area
Davinder Jassal
(214) 658-1917
Emileigh S. Hubbard
(214) 658-1922
Lane Fletcher
(214) 658-1907
Michael G. Oddo
(214) 658-1915
Dana Watkin